Earth has chosen to pull out of Sidar, abandoning it to the Xressians, a race of destructive conquerors. Against the backdrop of a colonial crisis, Lorrain will face deadly creatures and phenomena both strange and terrifying as he tracks down his mechanical alter ego. Could saving Lionel also save Sidar?
Lionel in turn faces the dangerous creatures of Sidar to bring his master to the Resident's clinic, where he hopes to revive him… That is, if the cruel Xressians will let him. Immediately upon arriving, they begin to slaughter the native Sidarians and terrorize the few Terrans still on the planet. Soon it will be too late. Could saving Lorrain also save...
Earth has chosen to pull out of Sidar, abandoning it to the Xressians, a race of destructive conquerors. Against the backdrop of a colonial crisis, Lorrain will face deadly creatures and phenomena both strange and terrifying as he tracks down his mechanical alter ego. Could saving Lorrain also save Sidar? Complete series in 2 volumes.